1 Come to the fount of living waters,
Come! come today,
Come, all ye weary sons and daughters,
Why do you still delay?
God the Father will forgive you;
Jesus is the way,
God’s Holy Spirit now is pleading;
Come, come without delay.
2 Come, though your burden may be heavy,
Now hear Him call,
Oh sinner, won’t you come to Jesus?
Make Him your all in all. [Refrain]
3 Come, while the Spirit now is striving,
Grieve not away,
Take up the cross and come to Jesus,
Danger is in delay. [Refrain]
4 Should you this day resist God’s calling,
Sad, sad your fate,
Heed now the warning, “Come to Jesus,”
Soon it will be too late. [Refrain]
Source: Boundless Love: for Sunday Schools and Gospel Meetings #123