1 Come to Jesus: hasten to him,
In the dawning of your youth,
Give of life the purest, fairest,
On the altar of the truth.
Through the world goes forth the message,
Hear its accents sweet and kind,
"Ask: to you, it shall be given,
They that early seek shall find."
2 Lowly kneel with solemn feeling,
Join in earnest, heartfelt prayer;
Christ in love bends low to listen;
He will lighten ev'ry care.
When your hearts are peaceful, happy,
Then to Him give grateful praise,
When the storms and tempest gather,
Unto him your pleadings raise.
3 Trust him till your work is finished,
Trust him till your life is done;
Tender love will ever guard you,
Grace of Christ, the sinless one.
Come to Jesus, hasten to him,
In the dawning of your youth,
Give of life the purest, fairest,
On the altar of the Truth.
Source: The Little Sower for Sabbath Schools #44