1. Come, take a stand for Jesus,
Renouncing all thy sin;
Come, take a stand for Jesus,
The Christian life begin.
The world is now thy treasure,
But cannot give thee rest;
Come, find serenest pleasure
On thy Redeemer's breast.
Come, take a stand for Jesus,
Renouncing all thy sin;
Come, take a stand for Jesus,
The Christian life begin.
2. Now take a stand for Jesus,
While God so loudly calls;
Now, take a stand for Jesus,
Before His anger falls.
Tonight this life of sorrow
May take its earthly end,
And ere another morrow,
With the eternal blend. [Chorus]
3. Oh! take a stand for Jesus,
Thou weary tempest toss'd;
Oh! take a stand for Jesus,
Before thy soul is lost.
God gives thee faithful warning,
To flee the wrath to come;
Delay not thy returning;
Haste! while He calls, "Come home." [Chorus]
Source: The Gospel Awakening: a collection of original and selected "hymns and spiritual songs" for the use in gospel meetings everywhere #92