1 Come, sing with holy gladness,
high alleluias sing,
uplift your loud hosannas
to Jesus, Lord and King;
sing, boys, in joyful chorus
your hymn of praise today,
and sing, ye gentle maidens,
your sweet responsive lay.
2 'Tis good for boys and maidens
sweet hymns to Christ to sing,
'tis meet that children's voices
should praise the children's King;
for Jesus is salvation,
and glory, grace, and rest;
to babe, and boy, and maiden
the one Redeemer Blest.
3 O boys, be strong in Jesus,
to toil for him is gain,
and Jesus wrought with Joseph
with chisel, saw, and plane;
O maidens, live for Jesus,
who was a maiden's Son;
be patient, pure, and gentle,
and perfect grace begun.
4 Soon in the golden City
the boys and girls shall play,
and through the dazzling mansions
rejoice in endless day;
O Christ, prepare thy children
with that triumphant throng
to pass the burnished portals,
and sing the eternal song.
Source: CPWI Hymnal #644