1 Come, sing hallelujah to Jesus,
In praises so glad and so sweet;
Oh! sing of His grace and His glory,
While worshiping low at His feet.
Come, sing hallelujah forever,
Oh! sing hallelujah again;
Hosanna to God in the highest,
Forever and ever, Amen.
2 Come, sing hallelujah to Jesus,
A ransom He gave for each soul;
A fountain He opened on Calv'ry,
Oh! brother, come bathe and be whole. [Refrain]
3 Come, sing hallelujah forever,
The riches of Christ's love proclaim;
In beauty of holiness worship,
Come join in the jubilant strain. [Refrain]
Source: Crowning Glory No. 1: a choice collection of gospel hymns #59