Come, praise with gladness the Lord of all creation,
Heaven tells His glory, earth His bounty shews;
Lowly He sought us, and won for us salvation,
Grace fills our lives with goodness He bestows.
Bountiful Giver, Thine be the praise,
Blessing, and honour, and glory, always.
Spring time and harvest, and cloud and summer gladness,
Come to our earth because His promise lives;
Morn smiles with beauty, and evening soothes our sadness;—
Such are the treasures that His bounty gives.
Spring time is now, and summer with its beauty;
Brightness and sadness here alternate come;
Lord, may the flowers, and fruits of love and duty,
Blossom and ripen for Thy harvest home.
Then when the angels, the reapers at the ending,
Gather the fruitage which our lives have grown,
May we with gladness, angel toil attending,
Sing of the harvest at the heavenly home.
Bountiful Giver, Thine be the praise,
Blessing, and honour, and glory, always.
Hymns from the Morningland, 1911