1 Come, O come to Jesus,
‘Tis a joy to know
He can make you whiter
Than the driven snow.
Whiter than the snow,
Whiter than the snow,
Plunge beneath the fountain
In the crimson flow;
Linger not beloved,
Mercy free doth flow
Plunge and be ye whiter
Than the driven snow.
2 Jesus now is calling,
Do not spurn His call;
Pardon has been purchased
Thro’ His blood for all. [Chorus]
3 Jesus now is knocking,
Will you let Him in?
He will free from bondage,
Save Thy soul from sin. [Chorus]
4 Jesus now in mercy,
Lovingly doth wait,
Bidding you to enter
E’er it be too late. [Chorus]
Source: Gold Tried in the Fire: suitable for church, Sunday school, revival meetings, missionary and rescue work #60