Come, let us sing with joyful mirth
The mystery of Immanuel's birth,
Who, virgin born, is here;
The middle wall no longer stands,
No flaming sword in cherub's hands
Inspires the soul with fear.
See, clear the pathway open lies
That upward leads to Paradise,
Where stands the Tree of Life;
And freely may I enter in,
Whence I was driven by mortal sin,
And worsted in the strife.
For He, the Father's only Son,
A glorious work hath now begun,
Descending from above
In servant's form, though yet the Son,
Unchanging while the ages run,
To win us by His love.
Come, now, let hearts united be
To laud His praises joyfully,
The God-Man born to-day.
And let Thy mercy reach us now,
For pitiful and kind art Thou,
O Virgin born, we pray.
Source: Hymns of the Early Church: translated from Greek and Latin sources; together with translations from a later period; centos and suggestions from the Greek; and several original pieces #58