1 Come, let us all with one accord
Adore and magnify the Lord,
And festive service pay,
2 On this the day that God hath blest,
The day of peace and heavenly rest,
The Lord's own holy day,
3 That saw primeval darkness break,
And that more glorious life awake
That lasteth evermore;
4 That saw hell's legions prostrate fall,
And Christ, triumphant over all,
His own to heaven restore.
5 This day the peace that flows from heaven
Was unto the Apostles given,
When doors were closed at night;
6 This day the Holy Spirit's flame,
Upon the Church's teachers came,
And filled their souls with light.
7 Still on this day with trumpet sound
The Gospel notes are ringing round,
To call the world to pray:
8 Then on this day let us adore
Our God, and supplication pour,
That, when worlds pass away,
9 Through Christ's dear grace our souls may rest
In peace and joy, forever blest,
Till the great judgment day.
The Hymnal: revised and enlarged as adopted by the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America in the year of our Lord 1892