1 Come, join our Army, to battle we go,
Jesus will help us to conquer the foe;
Fighting for right and opposing the wrong,
The Salvation Army is marching along.
Marching along, marching along,
The Salvation Army is marching along;
Soldiers of Jesus, be valiant and strong;
The Salvation Army is marching along.
2 Come, join our Army, the foe must be driven;
To Jesus, our captain, the world shall be given;
Foes may surround us, we’ll press through the throng;
The Salvation Army is marching along.
3 Come, join our Army, the foe we defy,
True to our colours, we’ll fight till we die;
Saved from all sin is our war cry and song;
The Salvation Army is marching along.
4 Come, join our Army, and do not delay,
The time for enlisting is passing away;
Fierce is the battle, but victory will come;
The Salvation Army is marching along.
Source: The Song Book of the Salvation Army #681