1 Come in ye blessed of our GOD,
Come join the children here;
Wash'd in our dying Saviour's blood,
For Jesus now appear.
2 Fellowship with us partake,
Since room is found within,
By Christ prepar'd for sick and weak,
And cleansing from their sin.
3 Stay not within the wilderness,
Nor waiting at the door;
Come Jesus will your wants redress,
Were they ten thousand more.
4 The sick he leads, the filthy cleanse,
The guilty and distress'd,
He pardons, he forgives their sins,
And gives the weary rest.
5 We've tasted of his grace, and know,
His ordinances all;
As breasts of consolations flow,
With peace for great and small.
Source: A Selection of Psalms and Hymns: done under the appointment of the Philadelphian Association #CLXXXVI