1 Come home! The Shepherd’s eager call,
Rings out upon the mountains cold,
Come home! Its echoes rise and fall,
To lead the wand’rer to the fold.
Come home! Thy Saviour calls thee come!
Come home! Thy way is dark and lone,
Come home! Thy Father loves thee— come!
Come home! O wand’ring one, come home!
2 Come home! O wanderer, rejoice!
Thy Shepherd’s call is wondrous sweet,
He guides the lost ones with His voice;
And homeward brings the weary feet. [Refrain]
3 Come home! And rest within the fold,
Lie down beside the waters still,
Raptures of love as yet untold,
Thy hungry, weary soul shall fill. [Refrain]
Source: The Voice of Thanksgiving #91