1 Come Holy Spirit condescend!
Thy presence let us feel;
Do thou thyself, O Lord attend!
Thy will in us reveal.
2 Important is the cause for which:
We are assembled now;
Thy light and blessed word can teach
That which we ought to do.
3 To build the Church of Christ our Lord,
The kingdom of his grace;
To spread the knowledge of his word,
In ev'ry land and place.
4 O be our counsellor and guide!
May all that we conclude,
And ev'ry case that we decide,
prove truly wise and good.
5 We should be truly wise indeed,
Endow'd with heav'nly bliss,
Or we may never hope to speed
In such a work as this.
6 Therefore we join in humble pray'r,
That we may understand
To build the Saviour's kingdom here:
The cause we have in hand.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #CCCXX