Come, from your dwellings, girls and boys,
Come in your neat though plain array;
From work and pastime, tools and toys,
Come to the children's holy day.
Come from the valley and the hills,
Round Wadsley Church, by Wharncliffe woods:
Come from the forges, tilts, and mills
On Rivelin, Dun, and Loxley floods.
We gladly answer, while we throng
Through fields and lanes--We come, we come,
To sing the children's sweetest song,--
Stones might cry out if we were dumb.
Hosanna to our Saviour King,
Who came from heaven for us to die;
Hosanna let the moorlands ring,
Hosanna all their rocks reply.
At church, in school, this day, good Lord!
With reverence and with godly fear,
Teach us to hearken to Thy word,
And then to practise what we hear.
Our weakness help, our sins forgive,
Confirm our faith, our love increase;
That we may serve Thee while we live
And when we die, depart in Peace.
Sacred Poems and Hymns