Come friends behold me here,
Speechless and breathless lying;
Held in the arms of death;--
Come with your tears and sighing.
But yesterday I lived,
And walked, and spoke with you:
Come friends, with the last kiss.
Bid me a long adieu.
For I shall walk no more
The wonted paths we trod;
My voice is stilled, I go
To speak alone with God.
The Judge has called me hence,--
To Whom the wise and great,
The warrior and the king,
Are men of one estate.
Ah! not the name I bore
Shall final doom recall;
The life of each lies bare,
Before the Judge of all.
For all the good I've done,
For all the ill and blame,--
Shall come to me in full,
The honour or the shame.
Call ye on Christ our God
That by His saving might,
I may a dwelling find
Among the sons of light.
Hymns of the Holy Eastern Church, 1902