1 Come, come ye that labor, and heavy burdens bear;
Come, come to the Savior, on Him cast all your care;
He will surely save you, He will surely bless;
Come, come to the Savior, and He will give you rest.
Come, come to the Savior; come, come to the Savior;
Come, come to the Savior, and He will give you rest.
2 Hear, ye that have sorrow, and have no hope below;
Hope, hope, ye may borrow and rest from every woe;
Jesus waits to comfort those who truly mourn;
Come, come to the Savior, He all your sins hath borne. [Refrain]
3 List, list, little children, to Him who bids you come;
The Savior will take yo to His eternal home;
He, He will sustain you with His mighty hand,
And safely will lead you home to His bright land. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #13866