1 Come, come, poor guilty one,
Jesus will save;
Come, God has giv’n his Son,
Jesus will save.
Here is his righteousness,
Pardon and happiness;
Fear not thy sinfulness,
Jesus will save,
Jesus will save,
Jesus will save.
2 Life’s day is fading fast,
Jesus will save;
Mercy is gliding past,
Jesus will save.
Soon will these scenes of day
Pass from your view away
Where is no light of day;
Jesus will save,
Jesus will save,
Jesus will save.
3 Come out of sin’s dark night,
Jesus will save;
Come to his wondrous light,
Jesus will save.
Naught in this world below
Can save from death and woe;
Jesus will smite the foe,
Jesus will save,
Jesus will save,
Jesus will save.
Source: New Songs of the Gospel No. 2: for use in religious meetings #119