1 Come, children, come to the Sunday-school,
Kind teachers wait for you;
Here you will learn the Golden Rule,
As all good children do,
Come, children, come.
2 Here you will learn how the angel throng
Proclaimed a Saviour's birth,
"To God be glory," was their song,
"Peace and good will on earth."
Come, children, come.
3 Here you will learn how the children sing,
Hosannas to his name;
And ev'ry joyful, happy tongue
Should echo now the same.
Come, children, come.
4 Here you will learn how the Savior died,
In agony and woe;
How blood and water from his side,
A healing fountain flow.
Come, children, come.
Source: The Little Minstrel: a collection of songs and music, with lessons of instruction, mathematically arranged plan of notation #33