1 Come and see what God is doing:
His are works of power and grace;
Round the world His Word is going,
Giving light to every place.
’Tis a day expected long,
Theme of old prophetic song.
2 While the nations are contending,
And the tumult louder grows;
Through the earth our God is sending
News of peace, to heal our woes.
Sounds of mercy sweeter are,
Heard amid the din of war.
3 Long the nations were benighted,
And the darkness has been still;
But the lamp that God has lighted,
Now is set upon a hill.
Many now enjoy the light,
And with rapture hail the sight.
4 Higher still and higher place it:
Show it to the world around;
Never should we cease to raise it,
While a nation still is found,
One to whom it is not giv’n
To enjoy the light of Heav’n.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #9613