1 Come, and listen to the story
Of the gentle Savior’s love,
How He left the throne of glory,
Left His Father’s home above;
Came to save each wretched sinner,
Tossed upon life’s troubled wave,
Bringing peace and joy and gladness,
All mankind He came to save.
Sing it out with a shout,
All His wondrous love proclaim;
Sing it out with a shout,
Sing Hosannah to His name.
2 Hear, O hear the wondrous story,
How they nailed Him to a tree,
Crucified our loving Savior,
Lo! He dies for you and me;
Dies, that He may bring salvation
To a world so dark and drear;
Tell His love to every nation,
Sound His praises far and near. [Refrain]
3 Let us worship and adore Him,
For His love so rich and free,
For the grace that brings salvation,
Light and joy and liberty;
Let us ever strive to serve Him,
Strive the lost ones home to bring,
Till in heav’n we fall before Him,
With the angel choirs to sing. [Refrain]
Source: Triumphant Songs No.4 #154