1 Close to Thee, my blessèd Savior,
Keep me walking, day by day;
Let me feel Thy presence with me,
Be my refuge all the way.
Draw me nearer, still nearer to Thee;
Look in tender compassion on me;
Turn me not away! Hear me while I pray;
Nearer, nearer, Lord, to Thee.
2 I am helpless—lost without Thee,
Leave, oh, leave me not alone;
Underneath Thy wings of mercy
Hide, and keep me all Thine own. [Refrain]
3 Thou hast died for me, Lord Jesus,
How can I such love forget?
Not on earth or in Thy presence
Can I ever pay the debt. [Refrain]
4 Every day I grieve Thy Spirit,
Wound the heart that broke for me,
Yet in Thy great love and mercy
Cast me not away from Thee. {Refrain]
Help me live as Thou wouldst have me;
Cleanse me, Lord, and keep me pure;
Give me grace and strength that safely
To the end I may endure.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #9740