1 Church of Christ by grace redeemed,
Cloth’d from heav’n all gloriously,
To the field where conflict wages
March victoriously;
Raise the banner of the King,
Stain’d with Jesus precious blood,
And advance upon the foe
As an overwhelming flood.
On soldiers of the King, to victory, victory!
On, and the Cross of Christ you glorious ensign be!
Onward, forward, valiantly!
Onward, forward loyally!
Let the cross of Jesus be
Pledge and sign of victory.
2 Men of Jesus, up awake!
Turn your faces to the sun!
Freshened faith and courage take,
And march unfalt’ring on!
Raise your banner to the sky,
Wave it to the passing breeze;
It must be up-borne until
He ruleth o’er the land and seas. [Refrain]
3 Glorious ensign, hold thou sway,
Over ev’ry land and sea!
Cross of Jesus, conquer on
Till earth redeemed shall be!
All the kingdoms of this world
Must be own for Christ our King;
Men of Jesus, forward, march!
And songs of glorious vict’ry sing. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Matchless Love: for evangelistic services, devotional meetings and Sunday schools #66