1 Christ’s messengers are going forth
His bidding to obey;
To spread his gospel o’er the earth,
Oh, speed them on their way.
Speed on, speed on Christ’s messengers,
And help them in his name,
As they to sad and weary souls
Salvation’s gift proclaim.
2 Speed on the herald of the cross
With tender words of cheer;
In lowly paths of toil and loss,
They follow Jesus here. [Chorus]
3 To dark and distant lands they go
To tell of Jesus there;
That all his saving pow’r may know,
Oh, speed them on with pray’r. [Chorus]
4 Speed on by ev’ry helpful deed,
Those who in Jesus’ stead
Go forth the famishing to feed
With heaven’s living bread. [Chorus]
Source: Songs for Work and Worship #53