1 Christians, in your several stations,
Dutiful to all relations,
Give to each his proper due.
Let not their unkind behaviour
Make you disobey your Saviour;
His command’s the rule for you.
2 Parents, be to children tender:
Children, full obedience render
To your parents in the Lord.
Never slight nor disrespect them;
Nor, through pride, when old, reject them;
‘Tis the precept of the word.
3 Wives, to husbands yield subjection:
Husbands, with a kind affection,
Cherish as yourselves your wives.
Masters, rule with moderation,
Sway'd by justice, not by passion:
To the scriptures square your lives.
4 Servants, serve your masters truly,
Not unfaithful, nor unruly,
To the good or to the bad;
Not refusing what you’re bidden,
Or replying when you’re chidden;
‘Tis the ordinance of God.
5 This shall solve the important question,
Whether thou'rt a real Christian,
Better than each golden dream;
Better far than lip-expression,
Towering notions, great profession;
This shall shew your love to him.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #877