1 Christian soldiers, on life’s rugged road,
Onward marching to the King’s abode,
Never falter tho’ the way be long,
‘Neath His banner, lift your voice in song.
Onward march to victory!
Jesus died to set us free;
Trust His love whate’er betide,
He our steps will safely guide.
2 Onward, soldiers, there are foes to face,
Sins to conquer ere we win the race;
Just beyond us lies the promised land,
Don your armor, heed the King’s command. [Refrain]
3 Christ our Captain leads us all the way,
Onward, soldiers, to the gates of day;
Storms and battles soon will aye be past;
We may wear the victor’s crown at last. [Refrain]
4 Still advancing, there is nought to fear,
Jesus loves us, He is ever near;
Ever striving souls to garner in
For the Master, we a crown shall win. [Refrain]
Source: Crowning Day No. 3 #66