1 Christian hosts afar and near,
Rally at the call of Jesus;
Hear him speak in accents clear,
Rally at the call of Jesus.
Rally at his call, rally, one and all,
Rally at the call of Jesus;
Truth and vict’ry unto you belong,
Rally at the call of Jesus.
2 Faithful ones in ev’ry land,
Rally at the call of Jesus;
In unbroken ranks to stand,
Rally at the call of Jesus. [Chorus]
3 Gather where his banner waves,
Rally at the call of Jesus;
Trusting in the Pow’r that saves,
Rally at the call of Jesus. [Chorus]
4 To engage in war with sin,
Rally at the call of Jesus;
Life’s unfading crown to win,
Rally at the call of Jesus. [Chorus]
Source: Songs for Work and Worship #1