1 Christ, we sing Thy saving passion,
Thine arising glorify;
Death for ever to abolish
Thou upon the cross did die;
Then from Hades Thou didst hasten,
As alone omnipotent;
Grant us peace in life, Redeemer,
Joy when earthly life is spent.
2 Sing we now Thy condescension,
Christ, with God the Father One;
We in lofty hymns will praise Thee,
Mary-Mother’s blessèd Son.
Thou for us as man didst suffer,
Willingly the cross didst bear,
That Thy resurrection glory
We, the sons of men, may share.
3 Coming as from bridal chamber,
Robed with orient morning light,
Bringing to the world salvation,
Spoiling Hell of all her might;
Raising by Thy resurrection,
Man to dignity most high;
Christ, may we with pure thanksgiving
Thee for ever glorify.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #16178