I. Christ, thy sacred Wounds and Passion,
Bloody Sweat, Cross, Death, and tomb,
Be my daily Meditation,
Till I to thy Presence come.
When a sinful Thought shall start,
Ready to seduce my heart;
Shew me, that my own Pollution
Caus'd thy bloody Execution.
II. Should my Bosom with lewd Passion
Be enflam'd, and burn to Sin,
Let the Thoughts of thine Oblation
Quench that spreading Hell within.
When the Serpent makes his Way
To my Heart, Lord grant I may
With thy Cross, and Crown of Briar,
Chace from thence that grand Destroyer.
III. Would the world, with gay Temptation
Draw me in its own brad Way;
Let me then think on thy Passion,
And the Load which on Thee lay.
Sure the Sweat, and precious Blood
Of my dear expiring God
Will create in me a Passion
To oppose and shun Temptation.
IV. Lord, in ev'ry sore Oppression,
Let thy Wounds be my Relief.
When I seek thine Intercession,
And new Strength to my Belief.
In thy bloody Hands and Feet
All my greatest Comforts meet.
This imprinted Demonstration
Of thy Love, be my Salvation.
V. All my Hope and Consolation,
Christ, is in thy bitter Death.
In the Hour of Expiration,
Lord, receive my dying Breath.
By thine Agony and Sweat,
Grant me, Lord, a safe Retreat.
By thy glorious Resurrection,
Raise thy Servant to Perfection.
VI. Christ, thy sacred Wounds and Passion,
Bloody Sweat, Cross, Death and Tomb,
Be my daily Meditation,
Till I to thy Presence come;
Most of all, when I go hence,
Let this be my Confidence,
That thy deep humiliation
Was to purchase my Salvation.
Source: Psalmodia Germanica: or, The German Psalmody: translated from the high Dutch together with their proper tunes and thorough bass (2nd ed., corr. and enl.) #27