1 Christ Jesus for our sins atoned
With His own precious blood,
He rose in triumph from the tomb,
Ascending unto God;
Salvation free He gave to man,
Thro' matchless love divine,
And has prepared a beautiful place,
Most wonderful, sublime.
Oh, praise His name, above all other,
To the whole, wide world go tell
He is Lord of lords and King of kings,
Oh, praise Immanuel.
2 Oh, do you wear the name of Him?
Who stands for love supreme,
He made the sacrifice for sin,
Your soul to here redeem;
And when He left this world below,
The Holy Spirit came
To comfort those who love the Lord,
And wear the Saviour's name. [Chorus]
3 Oh, weary one in doubt and sin,
There's peace and rest for you,
If you will seek God's saving grace,
His will now meekly do;
Believe with all your heart in Christ,
Thro' Him salvation claim,
Come wash your soul in Jesus' blood,
And call upon His name. [Chorus]
Source: The New Wonderful Songs for Work and Worship #170