Scripture References:
st. 1 = Ps. 72:8
st. 2 = Ps. 72:9
st. 3 = Ps. 72:10-11
st. 4 = Ps. 72:12-14
st. 5 = Ps. 72:15
A paraphrase of Psalm 72:8-15, this Epiphany text comes from the 1912 Psalter. (For general comments on this psalm, see PHH 72.)
The text begins with a Christological interpretation of what was originally a Hebrew royal psalm (st. 1). It goes on to say that distant tribes and foreign kings (all nations) will bring tribute to Christ, and he will subdue his enemies (st. 2-3), that Christ's rule will bring redress for the poor and needy (st. 4), and that like those foreign kings, we too may bring our "gold" and our offerings of praise to Christ (st. 5). Psalm 72:8-15 fits well with the Epiphany gospel of the wise men bringing their gifts to the infant Jesus. It is also fitting testimony to Christ's cosmic rule, which should spur us to ongoing missionary work.
Liturgical Use:
For any worship service (see PHH 72 for other comments on use); Epiphany Sunday, especially stanzas 3 and 5.
--Psalter Hymnal Handbook