1 Christ is come, the lost ones seeking,
On the earthly plains of sin;
With a shepherd’s tender longing,
He doth strive their love to win.
“For the Son of man is come”
He has come to seek and save forever;
From the hills and vales of night
He would draw men to the light;
Win them from the wrong to right:
Christ is come.
2 Christ is come, the only Saviour;
Come with glory in His train,
Come to call, with love and pleading,
All the wayward home again. [Refrain]
3 Christ is come, All Heav’n is watching,
While the sons of men debate,
Christ is come, but, sad condition,
Some still halt outside the gate. [Refrain]
4 Christ is come, the seeking Saviour;
Hear His love-call ringing still,
Over all the hills and valleys,
Sounds His “Whosoever will.” [Refrain]
Source: Hallowed Hymns, New and Old: for use in prayer and praise meetings, evangelistic services, sunday schools, young people's societies and all other departments of church work #76