1 Christ is calling for His soldiers,
Who will bear the battle's brunt;
Those who will in ev'ry conflict
Keep the colors well in front;
Who will neither shirk nor falter,
Who will face e'en death and shame;
Who will keep the banner waving
For the glory of His name.
For the glory of His name, (His name,)
For the glory of His name; (His name;)
We will neither faint nor falter,
We will face e'en death and shame,
We will keep the banner waving
For the glory of His name.
2 We are soldiers in His service,
We are battling for the King;
Ev'ry heart must hold His image,
Ev'ry tongue the watchword sing.
We must all have grace and courage,
Keep the campfires all aflame,
We are beacon-lights in darkness
For the glory of His name. [Chorus]
3 There is need for consecration,
There is need for hearts sincere,
There is need for souls courageous
Who will never have a fear.
We will take our place as soldiers,
And with shouts of glad acclaim,
Charge the hosts of sin and Satan
For the glory of His name. [Chorus]
Source: The New Praiseworthy: for the Church and Sunday School #167