1 “Christ in the heart and His love in the nation!”
Stronger are these than the gun and the sword;
Dawns the new day of our country’s salvation,
Cleansed from her sins by the might of the Lord.
Christ in the human heart,
Teach us the better part,
Save us from treachery, battle and greed;
Love be the nations’ word,
By ev’ry people heard,
Love for humanity in its great need.
2 Angels of Bethlehem, sound your glad chorus,
Thrilling our souls by its message divine;
Warfare and carnage no more shall rule o’er us,
Brightly the star of our Saviour shall shine.
Star of the Prince of Peace,
Bring to us swift release,
Let not our brothers their brothers destroy;
Lead us to truly pray,
Show us the higher way,
Teach us that living for others is joy.
3 Flag of our Fathers, float on in thy glory!
Always thy red stand for justice and law,
Ever the white tell the sweet gospel story,
Never thy blue in its truth show a flaw.
And ev’ry lustrous star,
Shine from thy folds afar,
Over a people united and free;
Guarding this flag above,
Keep us, O God of Love,
Loyal to country, to manhood, and Thee.
Source: Exalted Praise: a twentieth century collection of sacred hymns for the church, Sunday school, and devotional meetings #140