1 Christ, everlasting Source of light,
All things are open to Thy sight;
Thou Splendor of Thy Father's face,
Show us the path of truth and grace.
2 We now implore Thy sovereign might
To keep us, Lord, the coming night;
Preserve us, Lord, from all distress;
O God, Thy mercy we address.
3 Remove our sinful drowsiness;
Let Satan not our soul oppress;
Our feeble flesh keep chaste and pure,
And let us rest in Thee secure.
4 And when our eyes are bound in sleep,
The lamp of faith still burning keep;
Thy hand sustain us, while we rest;
Remove our sin, and we are blest.
5 Great Guardian of thy Christian flock,
Thy presence be our saving rock;
Thine agony and holy blood
Be always our support, O God!
6 Remember, Lord, the woes and pains
Which here our body hold in chains;
Our soul, which Thou hast ransomed, Lord,
O comfort with Thy holy Word.
7 To God the Father, and the Son,
And Holy Spirit, Three in One,
Be glory, praise, and majesty
Now, ever, and eternally.
Source: Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-book #34