1 Christ came to His own but they spurned His proffered mercy,
And nailed Him at last, to the cross of better woe,
He prayed for the ones who had left Him bruised and bleeding,
“O Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.”
He gave up His kingdom, with all its heav’nly glory;
He gave up His all, when He died on Calvary.
2 He gave up His all when He shed His blood for sinners,
What more could He do to redeem my poor lost soul,
Thro’ faith in His blood, I have found a full salvation,
And wonderful peace tho’ life’s waves of trouble roll. [Refrain]
3 He gave up His all! have you not some gift to offer,
Some service for Him who has done so much for you?
He pleads for your life cleansed by grace and made a blessing,
He wants you to live for Him ev’rywhere you go. [Refrain]
Source: Praise and Worship Hymns #85