1 Christ called to the fishermen down by the sea,
And taught them this message so plain;
“Leave all that thou hast and henceforth follow me,
And thou shalt be fishers of men,
And thou shalt be fishers of men.”
Launch out into the deep,
Let down your nets again,
Launch out into the deep,
Ye shall be fishers of men;
All night ye nothing have taken,
Fruitless your toiling has been;
Launch out, launch out,
Let down your nets again.
2 They’re sinking in sin by your side, evermore,
Your friends and your kindred are they;
Then throw out the life-net and pull for the shore
And win them for Jesus today,
And win them for Jesus today. [Chorus]
3 For they that e wise, saith the Master divine,
Shall be as the firmament bright,
And they that turn many to righteousness shine
Forever as stars in the night,
Forever as stars in the night. [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 2 #108