1 Children’s Day, bright and gay:
How we love thy charming lay;
How thy light, in its flight,
Fills us with delight.
Thou hast joys ever sweet,
For the children when they meet,
When we sing and we bring
Tributes to our King.
Children’s Day, bright and gay:
How we love thy charming lay;
How thy light, in its flight,
Fills us with delight.
2 Woodland choir, tunes its lyre,
And its notes our hearts inspire;
Breezes blow, perfumes flow,
Freshness to bestow:
Hills and dales sweetly dance,
Nature’s mirthful hosts advance,
All unite, with their might,
Making moments bright. [Refrain]
3 On this day we’ll display,
All our banners in array;
We will raise, by God’s grace,
Means to sound his praise,
Funds to aid learning youth;
Means to further gospel truth;
In his name, we will claim,
Funds to spread his fame. [Refrain]
4 ‘Tis a treat, thus to meet,
And the Son of God to greet,
As he stands, in all lands,
Blessing all our bands:
We will raise gladsome sound,
For the treasure we have found,
For the grace, which we trace
In the Saviour’s face. [Refrain]
Source: The Service of Praise #198