1 Children! children!
Come with joyous singing,
Birds out yonder
Carol happy lay.
Be not silent
Come, with gladness bringing
Praise to Jesus,
Loving, grateful praise.
Hark! O hear the birds!
Hark! they need no words!
List their happy praise;
Each his carol raise.
Hark! O hear the birds!
Hark! they need no words!
Join them in their praise today.
2 Think how loving
Is your heav’nly Father!
Think how ceaseless
Is his tender care.
Children! children!
Look up now and praise him
For the love that
Guards you ev’rywhere. [Chorus]
3 Lord, we thank thee
For the glowing summer;
All the blossoms
Show thy bounty free.
Lord, we thank thee;—
Make us truly grateful,
Loving, praising,
Serving only thee. [Chorus]
Source: Inspiring Songs No. 1: for the Sunday school #32