1 Cheer up, my brother, sister, the world may laugh at you,
They did it to your Master, and they crucified Him too,
The grave it could not hold Him, He's reigning now on high,
And soon we'll all be with Him in the sweet by and bye.
Oh! that will be joyful in that land so fair
I shall be like my Saviour, His glory I shall share,
Oh! that will be joyful, 'twill be a grand surprise,
When God Himself shall wipe away all tears from our eyes.
2 The night it may be stormy and all around look dark,
And Satan, too, will try his best to sink your little barque;
With Jesus in the vessel, dry up your tearful eye,
For soon we'll all be with Him in the sweet by and bye. [Chorus]
3 He'll never, never leave us, nor yet forsake us here,
His word shall stand for ever, and we've nothing now to fear,
He's fitting up a mansion above the bright blue sky,
And soon we'll all be with Him in the sweet by and bye. [Chorus]
4 Poor sinner, come to Jesus, for time is flying fast,
Your days on earth will soon be o'er , and you will breathe your last.
Come with us to that country, up there they never die,
And praise the Lamb for ever in the sweet by and bye. [Chorus]
Source: Melodies of Grace and Truth #50