1 Carefully, tearfully will I draw nigh,
Upward to Calvary lifting mine eye;
Mercy for all in the Saviour to see,
Mercy abounding, abounding for me.
There would I see all the Father revealed,
Faithful and true, all the promises sealed,
Gift of all gifts, the most loved and adored,
Jesus, anointed, the Saviour and Lord.
2 Carefully, tearfully will I draw nigh,
Upward to Calvary lifting mine eye;
Mercy for all in the Saviour to see,
Mercy abounding, abounding for me.
Beautiful feet on the mountain that bring
Tidings, glad tidings from Israel’s King.
Peace and salvation, and pardon divine,
Joy of all joys, that salvation is mine.
3 Carefully, tearfully will I draw nigh,
Upward to Calvary lifting mine eye;
Mercy for all in the Saviour to see,
Mercy abounding, abounding for me.
Many the conflict thro’ which He has pass'd,
Ended His sorrowful journey at last;
Wounded His head, and His hands and His feet,
Finished! He cries, and His work is complete.
4 Carefully, tearfully will I draw nigh,
Upward to Calvary lifting mine eye;
Mercy for all in the Saviour to see,
Mercy abounding, abounding for me.
Altar, and victim, and priest to stone,
Treading the wine-press of vengeance alone;
Stained are His garments, with tears and with blood,
Jesus, Redeemer! my Lord and my God.
Source: Minnetonka Songs: for Sabbath Schools, compiled especially for the Minnetonka Sabbath-School Assembly #34