1 Can you stand unmoved, my brother, in the holiness of Christ?
Can you hold with happy boldness to the truths by men despised?
Can you make a strong contention for the glory of the Lord?
Can you stand, despite the ridicule of those who hate the Word.
Can you stand? can you stand?
With the army of redemption, can you stand?
Can you boldly make the fight,
trusting in the Spirit's might?
When the battle fiercely rages, can you stand?
2 Can you stand against reproaches, 'neath the banner of the skies,
When the enemies of holiness on ev'ry side arise?
When your wealth and friends are flying, can you still with firmness stand?
Can you yet cleave fast to Jesus and His separated band? [Refrain]
3 If you stand, a crown of glory Jesus Christ will give to you,
And an everlasting mansion in the Holy City too;
O my brother, let's be faithful to our Saviour till we die;
We shall find a blissful rest with Him in glory by and by. [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #239