1 Can you not hear the Saviour gently calling?
“Come unto me, come unto me;”
His tender words in loving accents falling,
Whispers of peace to thee.
Come while the Saviour is waiting patiently;
Come to the Christ who gave His life for thee;
Come while He offers pardon full and free;
Come while the Holy Spirit calls.
2 See Him, alone, in yonder garden praying;
‘Twas all for Thee; His agony.
Tho’ thou art lost, and from the Father straying,
Still He is calling thee. [Refrain]
3 His nail-torn hands now plead for thy salvation;
Father forgive! Father forgive!
O why not heed the blessed invitation,
“Come unto me and live.” [Refrain]
4 He died for thee on Calv’ry’s rugged mountain;
Pierced by the spear, thy sin to bear.
O come today, and seek the cleansing fountain,
Flowing forever there. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns of the Kingdom: for use in religious meetings #59