1 By making some one happy as we pass along life's way,
We bring a bit of heaven to the longest, darkest day;
The world is full of shadows, full of sorrow, grief and woe,
And snares are set before us ev'rywhere we go.
A little human kindness brings a bit of heaven near,
A little human kindness drives away our fear;
A little human kindness makes the souls of men akin,
And brings the joy of vict'ry to a world of sin.
2 So many weary pilgrims toiling onward up the height,
Are longing for a friendly word, ere falls the shades of night;
O lend a hand to help them, haste to speak a word of cheer,
And gloomy clouds will brighten when the day is drear. [Chorus]
3 Keep all the hope-fires lighted by the torch of love divine;
As beacons thro' earth's darkest valleys ever let them shine.
Somewhere beyond the sunset, in a land supremely blest,
We'll find that human kindness paved the way to rest. [Chorus]
Source: Victory Songs: For the Church, Sunday School and Evangelistic Services. #82