1 By childlike faith in Christ the Lord,
We have from sin salvation;
By fully trusting in His word,
We pass from condemnation.
We walk by faith, and not by sight;
’Tis God’s own way and must be right;
We walk by faith, and not by sight;
We follow Christ, the Light.
2 How simple is the way of life,
’Tis only to believe Him;
’Twill end your sorrow and your strife
If you will but receive Him. [Refrain]
3 Thro’ Jesus’ death the debt was paid,
Not feeling, nor emotion;
On Him our sin and guilt was laid;
O, give Him your devotion. [Refrain]
4 We walk by faith, and not by sight:
How grand is this revealing!
’Tis God’s own way, and must be right,
’Tis wrong to trust in feeling. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #9677