38 But, wroth with thine anointed, thou
renounced and loathed him hast;
39 his covenant made void, his crown
to earth profaned cast.
40 His hedges all hast broke down,
his strong-holds down hast torn.
41 He is a spoil to passers-by,
to neighbours all a scorn.
42 Thou hast set up his foes’ right hand;
made all his enemies glad:
43 turned his sword’s edge, and him to stand
in battle hast not made.
44 His glory thou hast made to cease,
his throne to ground down cast;
45 thou shortened hast his days of youth,
with shame him covered hast.
46 How long, Lord, wilt thou hide thyself?
for ever, in thine ire?
and shall thine indignation hot
burn like unto a fire?
47 Remember, Lord, how short a time
I shall on earth remain:
O wherefore is it so that thou
hast made all men in vain?
48 What man is he that liveth here,
and death shall never see?
Or from the power of the grave
what man his soul shall free?
49 Thy former loving-kindnesses,
O Lord, where be they now?
Those which in truth and faithfulness
to David sworn hast thou?
50 Mind, Lord, thy servant’s sad reproach;
I in my bosom bear
the scornings of the people all,
who strong and mighty are:
51 and that thine enemies, O Lord,
have cast reproach upon,
have cast reproach upon the steps
of thine anointed one.
52 All blessing to the Lord our God
let be ascribed then:
for evermore so let it be.
Amen, yea, and amen.
Source: The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook #P89e