1 Burdened soul, in sin and woe,
Knowing not where you may go;
Light to find, and rest and peace,
Come to Christ and find release.
Jesus died for all in sin,
Burdened one, oh, come to him;
He has peace and joy to give,
Trust his priceless love and live.
2 Hopeless soul, in darkness sore,
Look to Jesus evermore;
He will be your hope and light,
Ever guide your feet aright. [Refrain]
3 Doubting soul, you have a Friend,
Who will keep you to the end;
Wait no longer, seek his grace,
He will show a smiling face. [Refrain]
4 Will you spurn the Savior’s voice,
Making sin and death your choice?
Will you yet your woe endure,
Cheat your life from all that’s pure? [Refrain]
Source: Pearls of Praise #98