1 Built on Christ, the firm foundation,
Christ, the chosen corner-stone
Holy Zion keeps her station,
Sure and strong in Him alone;
By His moveless strength sustained,
In His glorious life contained.
2 City that the Lord doth cherish,
Dear and precious in His sight,
From thy streets shall never perish
Joy and gladness, love and light.
Ever there the blessed sing
Glory to the Triune King.
3 Enter, Lord, this temple builded
For Thy holy dwelling place!
By Thy glory be it gilded,
Radient make it by Thy grace:
Even through the open door,
Boundless benediction pour!
4 Here to all, their need confessing,
Who Thy mercy shall entreat,
Grant a rich, enduring blessing,
Blessing full, and mercy sweet.
Fit them for eternal rest,
Gather them among the blest.
5 Glory, honor, praise, and merit,
Ever in the highest be,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
Rendered duly unto Thee,
God Triune, forevermore;
Thee let heaven and earth adore!
Source: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal: with music #134