1 Brother, on the troubled deep,
When the wild winds round you sweep,
And the waves in madness leap,
Listen, 'tis the voice that said,--
It is I, be not afraid.
2 When the storm has died away,
And the sun, with cheering ray,
Now illumes your prosperous way,
Trust, oh, trust in him who said,--
It is I, be not afraid.
3 Brother, far away from home,
Restless as the wave's light foam,
When temptations round you come,
Pray for strength to him who said,--
It is I, be not afraid.
4 Brother, when death draweth near,
And your spirit shrinks in fear
From its portals damp and drear,
Trust your soul to him who said,--
It is I, be not afraid.
Source: The Voice of Praise: a collection of hymns for the use of the Methodist Church #1033