Organ Piano Medium Difficulty Trinity Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $10.00 This piano and organ duet on favorite hymn Holy, Holy, Holy (Nicaea) begins with a reverent introduction, gradually builds to the powerful final stanza, and concludes with full organ and strong chords… | |
Handbells Organ Handchimes Thanksgiving File download from Lorenz Publishing $33.00 Organ and handbell offerings abound for the major seasons of the church year. However, specific titles appropriate for some of the less frequently occurring solemn and celebratory events in the life o… | |
Organ Moderately Difficult Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $37.00 Marilyn Mason, longtime organ professor at the University of Michigan, is well known as a great supporter of the art of organ composition. Throughout her tenure, she has commissioned numerous composer… | |
Handbells Sheet Music Shipped by Hope Publishing $10.95 3 oct. Collection
Arrangement By Wagner, Douglas E. Song List-- Be Thou My Vision Carol of the Bells Lord, I Want to Be A Christian Jesus Loves Me Holy, Holy, Holy… | |
Organ Piano Medium Difficulty Sheet Music Shipped by Hope Publishing $20.95 For the church that uses both instruments to accompany congregational singing, these reharmonizations are suggested for used with the final stanza of the hymn.
Arrangement By Hustad, Donald P. Song… | |
Handbells Sheet Music Shipped by Hope Publishing $20.95 3 oct. Collection
Arrangement By Zabel, Albert, Jr. Song List-- Austria, Coronation, Cwm Rhondda, Dix, Duke Street, Hyfrydol, Hymn to Joy, Lancashire, Lobe den Herren, Nicaea, Regent Square, Span… | |
Sheet Music Shipped by Hope Publishing $22.95 From the exquisitely serene setting of “More Love to Thee” to the rousing and jubilant “All Creatures of Our God and King,” this challenging compilation of Six Hymn Preludes by four-in-hand co… | |
Piano Sheet Music Shipped by Hope Publishing $34.95 This spiral-bound collection contains 25 favorite titles, some gospel and some traditional tunes, arranged in a spirited gospel style for solo piano by Joel Raney. Piano Collection
Note: H… | |
Piano Lent Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $34.95 Are you seeking a sudden infusion of new piano music for your repertoire? Are you in need of musically satisfying but technically accessible repertoire for each Sunday? Are you looking for a new reper… | |
Piano Lent File download from Lorenz Publishing $34.95 Are you seeking a sudden infusion of new piano music for your repertoire? Are you in need of musically satisfying but technically accessible repertoire for each Sunday? Are you looking for a new reper… |