1 Bright, beautiful morning!
Fair, glorious day!
Thy first radiant dawning
Still brightens our way.
Glad hymns of rejoicing
Exultant, we sing,
While earth’s fairest blossoms
A tribute we bring.
Bright, beautiful morning!
Fair, glorious day!
Bright, beautiful morning!
Fair, glorious day!
2 To Him who for sinners His precious life gave;
To Him who hath conquered
Sin, death, and the grave.
The cross where He suffered
On Calvary’s brow,
With roses and lilies
Is beautiful now. [Refrain]
3 The tomb where they laid Him,
With glory is bright;
He burst the dark prison,
And filled it with light.
So ev’ry glad Easter
Our praises we sing!
All hail to our Conqueror!
Hail Jesus our King! [Refrain]
Source: The Finest of the Wheat No. 2 #160